Home > Structure > English > special tags > normal parser > factinclude > folders > folder
A newer version of this fact exists. (view)






With this parameter you can define which collumns of the folder will be displayed in the fact. Icon, title and infoid are all the three possibilities you can use.



info3 - 125057.2

Attention: if you want this parameter to work correctly, you schould NOT use blank spaces between the quotational marks and the commas.



foldersonly="1" or foldersonly="0"


You can set the factinclude of the folder to show only folders (value 1) or to show all facts (value 0).





This parameter defines how many levels deep to display.


info3 - 125057.2

Note: The default value is 1 and the maximum, that can be set, is 10.




dontdisplaylines="1" or dontdisplaylines="0"


If the levels are more than one, and you don't want to see the line connectors between the folders, type value 1. Otherwise type value 0, or leave the autotune.




<factinclude 1107069.0 display="icon, title, infoid" foldersonly="1"  levels="3"  dontdisplaylines="1" /> 


In the example above will be shown the icon, title and infoid of folders, which the folder with id=1107069.0  contain. If the folders have subfolders they will be also shown up to the 3rd level and and the lines that connect the folders and subfolders won`t be shown.




Author: Milena Staykova; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Published by: factline GmbH (factline6)
factID: 1107304.4 (...history); published on 27 Oct. 2008 17:15
Structure  >  English  >  special tags  >  normal parser  >  factinclude  >  folders