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26 Apr. 2004, Rumania - Austria
HPN goes East!
ASER- Romanian Business Students’ Association
ASER- Romanian Business Students’ Association

New Partnership with one of the biggest students' associations of Rumania!
An Introduction:

Mission. Vision

The Romanian Business Students’ Association (ASER) was born at the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest, on March 24th, 1998.
Today, it counts over 100 members, all students in the economic field.
ASER, the Romanian Business Students’ Association, is a Romanian, independent, non-political and non-profit-making legal entity. The association has emerged as the result of the students’ persistence in finding a way of transforming ideas into reality.

Presently, our organization develops its activity through the volunteer effort of the active members or collaborators, involved in different social and economic projects ; in this way we are trying to cover all the important matters that our community has to deal with.

Our mission is to support the Romanian student in its pofessional development, by facilitating his acces to the necessary information for its economic and social knowledge. Our projects are developed, managed and inplemented under the motto « Projects made by STUDENTS for STUDENTS ! »

The vision of ASER is the vision of a dynamic group of students and friends, that believe in the power of changing things to better. Our student association is strarting to become an important support for the young people and young professionals that want to come in contact with the business and economic environment strating their first year of university.

« We believe in the power of making things change and we know that young people are the ones that can create a better world for them. ASER relies on the principles of democracy, freedom of speech, tollerance, involvment and transparency !

Ilinca Preda, ASER President 2003/2004


ASER tries to develop its own network of partnesr, from the economic, academic and business environment.

  • Current ASER Official Partners :
  • Academy of Economic Studies
  • International Business and Economics Faculty
  • British Council
  • BRD- Groupe Societe Generale
  • ASTRA- Assurance-reassurance company
  • www.15-25.ro
  • High Potential Network

For more information you can read the whole introduction paper of ASER >>>>


ASER has over 100 active members involved in our projects. Each year, ASER organizes the association’s presentation. After the presentation the recruitment perioad follows . We serach for young students with great potential and who want to get involved in changing their student lifes in the better.
Our selection criteria and requirements are created in order for the association to receive comitted members, members with initiative and will of taking responsibilities and action.


ASER- Romanian Business Students’ Association
Address : Piata Romana 6, sala 0422, 1rst District, Bucharest
Tel/Fax : +4021.212.93.95

Web : www.aser.ro

Source: HPN Org & ASER