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With an infoID, you can reference every piece of information that is stored on an FCS platform. Of course, you can also link to any documents on the Internet using an internet address (Uniform Resource Locator - URL).
info Online Help
If you open an entry input field, you can always find a summary of linking possibilities on the left side under „How to link.“
Referencing to an infoID:
In contrast to the conventional link, in which only the address of a site on the Internet is indicated (a link to a URL), the information on a factline Community Server is referenced directly via an „infoID“ (see Kapitel 7. Bedeutung der infoID). The advantage of this consists of the fact that a link to the appropriate piece of information (even if a document is moved to another folder or even another platform) always remains intact and identifiable. There are no „dead links“!td>
info What is the desired document’s infoID?:
In most cases you will not know the infoID of the desired document offhand. Therefore you will find on the left column next to every area for entry input, the link „search infoIDs“. If you run this, a search field opens, in which you have to enter a keyword of the desired document. After clicking the „search“ button, a list is displayed of all the documents available on the platform that contain your keyword (with their respective infoIDs).
In order to refer to a document using an infoID, you have two possibilities in the syntax entry.
Short form: <factlink 102491.0/>
In this case the title of the document to be referenced will be automatically displayed as a link which is „linked“ to the most recent version of the document.
Long form: <factlink 102070.43>Alte Einleitungsversion</factlink>
In this case, the designation of the link is created independently of the title of the document. Moreover, this is linked specifically to the file version number 43.
If you would prefer that the reference be opened in a new window, use the following syntax:
Short form: <factlink 102491.0 target="_blank"/>
Long form: <factlink 102070.43 target="_blank">Alte Einleitungsversion</factlink>
pfeil External References

AutorIn: Shaun Geisert; Publiziert von: Shaun Geisert (Shaun3180)
factID: 122056.1; Publiziert am 16 Jun. 2003 11:06
struktur  >  English  >  Manuals  >  User Maunal  >  Create Content 
Verweis(e) (9):
Meaning of the factID10 Oct. 2014factlink
Input mask15 Sep. 2010factlink
Version control system25 Aug. 2010factlink
Edit content (facts)25 Aug. 2010factlink
step 2 - instructions18 Oct. 2007factlink
alle 9 Verweise zeigen.