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28 Dec. 2004, Vienna
HPN WORLDWIDE: Paraguay and Romania
Meeting in Austria: Ms. Claudia Pompa and Ms. Ilinca Preda in Vienna, Austria
On Thursday, December 16, Ms. Claudia Pompa from Paraguay and Ms. Ilinca Preda from Romania arrived in Vienna to meet several representatives of the High Potential Network and to discuss future perspectives of cooperation..

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In Paraguay, Ms. Pompa is responsible for the business incubator program of Junior Achievement International. As the target group of young and motivated persons of this program also matches perfectly with the target group of the High Potential Network, several talks were held to find areas of cooperation with mutual benefit. Furthermore, possibilities of setting up a local sub-organization of the High Potential Network in Paraguay as well as Romania were discussed.
We are looking forward to expand our network!

Quelle: HPN