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15 Mär. 2004, Armenia
Interview with the Executive Director of the Junior Achievement of Armenia
HPN Creative Manager of Armenia Ani Movsisyan talked with Executive Director of JA Armenia, Armine K. Hovhannisian
From my own experience I can confirm that once being a Junior Achiever inspires us to get involved into new and challenging projects. Meeting so many self-motivated students who in fact are the future of today’s world you get inspired yourself.
High Potential Network was born because once upon a time a Junior Achiever – Hannes Offenbacher together with other motivated young people, decided to realize their vision of creating a global network.

JAA Director - 151300.1

Can you tell me about Junior Achievement of Armenia, about its programs, goals? Are there any among them that you have succeeded to realize so far?

JAA started in Armenia in 1992. It is an affiliate of Junior Achievement in the United States which has been working with the youth since 1919. JAA's mission is to arm young people with the knowledge and practical skills in living and working in a free market economy. Six years ago, the organization took upon itself to create a civic education curriculum as well. Today, we embrace 160,000 students in 1400 schools. We also have trained 3200 teachers. JAA has a summer camp for high achieving students and participated in international activities in the US and Europe.

Can you bring me some concrete success stories?

Because of the education and skills we provide to our students, some of our graduates today are in such institutions as the Harvard University and in such prestigious firms as Japonica Industries and the Cafesjian Family Foundation.

JA was a reason and stimulus for organizing High Potential Network. How do you see that organization? What seems interesting to you?

Networking and exchanging information is a key to a successful business. I think High Potential Network fills in a very important vacuum in this respect. I think that coming out of a closed society, the Soviet Union, this is a very necessary organization for Armenians.

What possible ways of cooperation between us would you suggest?

Our graduates are high achievers in their fields and as they expand their horizons, they will need to integrate into international organizations. I am happy that the High Potential Network offers such a possibility.

Thank you!

Contact Information:

Armenia Office
4/6 Sarian Street
Yerevan 375002, Republic of Armenia
Tel: (3741) 54-47-94
Fax: (3741) 56-74-53
E-mail: jaa@arminco.com
web: www.jaarmenia.org

U.S. Office
1102 North Brand Blvd. #61
Glendale, CA 91202
Tel / Fax: (818) 753-4997

Quelle: HPN Armenia