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31 Mai. 2004, Vienna
1st Club Meeting - Review
Résumé & impression of a HPN Member
On Wednesday 28th of May the first High Potential Network Club Meeting took place at “Retsina”, a small, nice Greek tavern which is located in the first district of Vienna, Morzinplatz 1. Several HPN members had followed the invitation and showed up at 7 p.m. ready to receive their personal name sticker which facilitated the networking process a lot.
At the beginning, Hannes Offenbacher, Chairman and CEO High Potential Network, welcomed all participants and introduced the representatives of the Business NLP Academy Austria, CEO Wolfgang Kindl and Consultant Gerald Götz to the members of HPN.
After a short welcome-speech of Hannes, Gerald gave us a concise overview about neural linguistic programs (NLP) and held a really interesting presentation about the Graves Model which was definitely an eye-opener for some of us.
Afterwards all participants engaged actively in networking. Numerous, vivid discussions were held on whether someone was a blue type or an orange one, according to the Graves model and Gerald Götz as well as Wolfgang Kindl tried to answer all our questions according to their best knowledge.
Besides, Hannes explained us future intentions of HPN and announced the next club meeting which will take place in June 2004. Although some of us had to leave earlier the majority stayed almost until midnight and enjoyed networking.
Generally speaking, the spirit was great and the greek restaurant provided a marvellous ambience to get to know each other and to broaden our horizons.

Andreas Klusacek
Member of the High Potential Network

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Quelle: HPN