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Week 5: April 21 to 27th

Week 5: April 21st to 27th


Tuesday April 22nd

      Started: 1:15 PM

       Ended: 5:00 PM


Wednesday April 23rd

        Started:  2:00 PM

        Ended:   5:00 PM


Thursday April 24th

          Started:  1:30 PM

           Ended:  4:00 PM




This week I started my work on the Bauplattform.  Mainly working with creating an appealing informational page on the factline website.  I have been trying to wrap my head around the best way to describe what factline does for companies.  It is obvious they help organize everything on their platform for companies and that companies can put whichever kind of "facts" that they like, but it is more complex then that.  So I actually came up with a kind of analogy to simplify how to explain factline and what they do for companies.  I see factline as an online version of a filing cabinet.  Factline is the secretary that files everything in the right place for you along with letting you put in pictures, discussion forums, other texts, and comments on those other functions.  There are ways to find what you are looking for by name or place where it is located and if you run into problems then factline is there to help correct it.  


I haven't wrote that down on the website yet but I think Max will like the analogy that I have come up.  The other day I worked on creating a simplistic print out version of the Bauplattform on a computer design program called "In-Design."  I worked with Claudia on it and Max had prepared most of the information that was needed to be put onto it.  I did change some of the font siyes and how some of the info looked just to make it more appealing or make one thing stick out more than the other.  Once we were finished Max was very impressed with what Claudia and I came up with.  Max is going to be using these fact sheets to hand out at a meeting and to try and market his product. 


Also on my webpage for the Bauplatform I was to put a form for potential customers to fill out.  Max helped me find it online and then I edited it to make it look nicer and so it would send the form to the correct people.  It took a while to figure it out but in the end I finally had it finished after having to start and restart due to errors on my part.  Max was very helpful through the process as he helped explain things that I had trouble understanding how to do. 


Some things that I have noticed working here at factline is that it can be stressful to work on the computer the whole day without talking to other people very much.  There have been days when everyone is so busy that the interaction between all of us is slim.  I guess that this is the same for a lot of jobs, but it is something new for me to actually realize it.  Max a lot of times will be talking to customers or other people about meetings, appointments, negotiations, etc...but everyone else in the office mainly gets their work done on the website as to whatever they need to accomplish.  


This week has been very long for me as I started my one week long Buddhism class.  It was hard to plan on when I was going to be able to come into my internship because some days my class went longer than usual.  So everday this week I  had to go straight from class to here then back to my other class then go do homework...etc...  Max doesn't seem like a typical Austrian to me.  Austrian's have this perception of being on time and very straightforward.  Whereas here at factline everything is laid back, I would say just toned down from what I figured it would be like.  This was very helpful this week for me as I couldn't tell Max exactly what time I would be here because of my new class and he was very understanding and just said it's no problem.  I guess it just depends on what kind of person your boss is because I know there are jobs in the US that you can't be late to no matter what. 


Autor: Benjamin Heithoff; Publiziert von: Benjamin Heithoff (heithoffb1)
factID: 1187641.2 (...Archiv); Publiziert am 24 Apr. 2008 14:51
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