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Rules for usage and development of the glossary

It was agreed to continue with the development of the glossary and to think about a way to organise the process efficiently.


Below, you will find a detailed description of rules for the usage and development of the glossary. These rules are intended to ensure the transparency and consistency of the process:


Suggest a new term for the glossary

Suggestions for new terms are to be made in the forum "Glossary Terms". Everyone is entitled to suggest a new term. In order to do so, a new topic has to be created. The designation of the term is to be used as a title for the topic. After having created a new topic, the suggestion is to be posted. Afterwards, everyone can either agree or disagree to include the term in the glossary. Opinions are to be posted as replies to the suggestion. For each reply the title has to be adapted to either "[name] agrees" or "[name] disagrees".


Find a definition for a term

As soon as everybody has agreed to include the suggested term in the glossary, the initiator of the process creates a text-fact with a first definition. Moreover, the status information "[status: work in process]" has to be included. After the fact has been published, other project members can comment on the definition by using the comment option at the bottom of the page. Only, the initiator of the process is allowed to adapt his/her first definition according to the comments. Once a consensus is reached, the process initiator changes the status information to "[status: last update date]". Afterwards, the new term is included in the overall overview of glossary terms. Please note, the includefact-command has to link to a specific version (eg. 12345.7)!



Request for update of an old term

The update process is initiated by creating a comment at the bottom of the respective fact (eg. I want to update this term.). Discussion on whether or not to update the term is made in the forum "Glossary Terms" in the respective topic thread. The suggestion is to be posted as a direct reply to the topic (see "suggest a new term"). Afterwards, everyone can either agree or disagree to update the term. Opinions are to be posted as replies to the suggestion. For each reply the title has to be adpated to either "[name] agrees" or "[name] disagrees".


Update an old term

As soon as everybody has agreed to update the term in the glossary, the initiator of the process updates the text-fact with a new definition. Moreover, the status information "[status: work in process]" has to be included. After the new version of the fact has been published, other project members can comment on the definition by using the comment option at the bottom of the page. Only, the initiator of the process is allowed to adapt his/her first definition according to the comments. Once a consensus is reached, the process initiator changes the status information to "[status: last update date]. Afterwards the new definition of the term is included in the overall overview of glossary terms. Please note, the includefact-command has to link to a specific version!








AutorIn: Angela Gamsriegler; Publiziert von: Angela Gamsriegler (gamsrieglera)
factID: 214207.7 (...Archiv); Publiziert am 13 Sep. 2005 15:56

Bestandsgarantie (Guarantee of existence) - GOE: no guarantee 
nett-werk  >  Testglossar 
Verweis(e) (1):
Glossary terms12 Sep. 2005factlink
14 Sep. 2005 09:34 gamsrieglera - Angela Gamsriegler factID: 214466.0 schreiben Sie ein Kommentar zuVersion 8
new version
I have made changes according to your comments and published a new version.