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usage of specific Services


This list is intended to give an overview of the functions (called „Services“) available on factline Community Server (FCS) and its possible usage for the research project.


Services” are the heart of FCS and allow you to publish content. Different types of Services allow a distinctive presentation of information according to its content. In other words, a news article should look different from a forum posting or free text. Each published content item is referred to as a "fact".


The list below is merely a suggestion and can be adapted at any time.

FCS Services

possible usage for the project


This Service can be used for the creation of text items of all kinds.


Below each fact (except “dialog”), users can add comments or view comments which have already been made. This Service is useful for facts which are created by several authors. Each author can make contributions to the document which can then be commented by the other authors.


The Service „News“ could be used to inform other team members about current events (e.g. completed milestones)


Best used for uploading and downloading externally created files for sharing with other team members.


Events could be used to inform other team members about upcoming events (e.g. location and time of next project meeting)


The Service „Links“ helps to create a collection of hyperlinks to other websites which are relevant to the project.


The Service „Library“ can be ideally used  for inserting, viewing and filtering bibliographic references related to the project.

Dialog (Forum)

Group discussions:
Forums can be used for all kinds of asynchronous (different time/different place) group discussions. Its highly efficient for questions that affect the whole group.


Contact individual project team members:
Each team member should have a personal forum in his/her folder. These forums can be used for asking a specific team member a project related question.


Discuss a specific topic:
Each folder (e.g.Country Reposrt Master>Section 1) should have a forum. These forums can be used for topic related discussions (e.g. What should be put in our next marketing brochure?)


Nowadays, weblogs are frequently compared to electronic diaries. Usually weblogs offer readers the possibility to comment on entries and/or to discuss with the author.

This service can be used to exchange information on reporting issues that will be sorted in a chronological order.

PartnerThis service opens a small window in your header with logos appearing alternately. By clicking on these logos users get a list of all partners with further link to a description Text.
This service offers a good possibility to let your partners or other acting parties on the Platform advertise their logos.

Email Notification

The Service „Email Notification“ is used to automatically inform users about changes on the platform. If each team member uses this Service, it won't be necessary anymore to inform them about new developments on the platform.

Slideshow (Album)

The Service Slideshow allows you to present a large amount of pictures in a demonstrative way. Each picture can be commented on. Furthermore, various display options are offered (thumbnail-preview, zooming, scrolling). The Service Slideshow can be used for pictures of project meetings for example.

Users Online

Users Online“ shows all users that are currently online on the same platform. This Service could be used to send short messages to other online users (similar to ICQ). Click on the “ping”-button next to the user's name and insert your message in the pop-up window. The receiver gets your message as soon as he opens a new site or clicks on “refresh” in his browser window. The receiver can reply to your message directly.


Author: factline Webservices GmbH; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Published by: factline Webservices GmbH (factline)
factID: 1111495.1; published on 06 Jul. 2007 14:08
Structure  >  Usage