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type title shortname filename filesize comments children factID publisher published  
weqwer weqwer - - - - 1528887.1 maxharn 01 Oct. 2010
xxxx xxxx - - - - 1528892.1 maxharn 01 Oct. 2010
sdafsadf sdafsadf - - - - 1528882.1 maxharn 01 Oct. 2010
tierptoserö tierptoserö - - - - 1528876.1 maxharn 01 Oct. 2010
susi sorglos AG susi sorglos AG ag - - 1 1445864.1 factline 10 Mar. 2010
Müller & Co KG Müller & Co KG müller - - - 1445871.1 factline 10 Mar. 2010