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How to chat
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In case you have problems loading factchat in your browser, please download and install a new JavaVM (Java Virtuel Machine) from SUN. More about this...

Login and Nickname Color Selection:
Please enter your desired nickname and click the login button. Shortly thereafter, a factchat java applet will open in which you must select a chat room. Usually however, only one chatroom is offered. In this case, the color selection appears immediately after you have typed in your nickname. As soon as you have chosen a color, the chat room will open and you can begin. More about this...

Chat – Writing Messages:
Now you find yourself in "chat-mode", in which you can post messages. To do this, you must click any place within the gray area of your screen. The text input cursor will appear and you can start typing your text. In order to anchor your messages in the input window, so that all users are able to read it, you must press the enter key on your keyboard. Before you press the enter key however, you have the possibility of moving and positioning your text message anywhere within the input window using your mouse. More about this...

Orientation and General Overview:
In order to be able to distinguish betweem new messages and old ones, note that old messages gradually become more and more pale and eventually disappear into the background as time passes. Consequently, the newest reports are most clearly seen. With the help of the zoom tool (right under the input window), you can individually adjust how many messages should be displayed at one time on the input window. More about this...

Users – Who is online? Hiding users:
In the upper left corner of your window, you will find a list of the users who are online. Your personal nickname is always on top. It is possible to hide the messages of one or several specific users. To do this, click the names of the appropriate people in the list. In order to again reveal a user, you must only click a second time on the appropriate name. More about this...

Chronometer/ meter object – Browsing the History:
On the left side underneath the user list you will find the chronometer (meter object). This consists of a timeline, a zoom tool as well as arrows allowing upwards and downwards navigation through the history. You will always find a red line in the middle of the timeline that denotes the time of the most up-to-date message. With the chronometer (meter object), you can read through messages posted in the past, in which you either click within the timeline or use the arrows on the right side in order to scroll forward or backwards through the messages exactly one by one. More about this...

Search Function:
The factchat has a special search feature with which you can search specifically for certain users, keywords, and/or dates. Open this feature by clicking the search button just to the left and below the chronometer. Enter the desired parameters to be searched. In order to display the results, click the "search" button in the search form. Momentarily, the search results are listed in the right window. By clicking the title of a message that was found, the conversation relating to the sought after message is displayed in the gray input window. More about this...

Info Fields:
You will notice if you move your mouse over different parts of factchat that small info textboxes will appear next to certain objects. The most important aspect of this function are the individually posted messages. When one moves the mouse over a message, that person will receive information as to when and who wrote the message.

Security Configuration:
The factchat is equipped with several security configurations. For example, if you were inactive for a long period of time in the chatroom, your connection to the factchat server is automatically closed. A "Disconnected" notification appears in the input window. In order to again get back into the chat, you must load a new window in your browser.
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