Strona główna > Struktura > English > Manuals > p-admin manuals > interface & design > page layout config > Left frame layout, positioning and style configuration

Left frame layout, positioning and style configuration

Log on with your padmin account and go to Interface > Advanced page layout configuration.

In section "Left frame layout, positioning and style configuration" you can edit the appearance and behavior of the left frame. You have the following options:



#10 Left frame width in pixels Enter the desired width in pixels in the field. Generally should be above 200px, the default value is 250px.
#11 Left frame additional style You can use the field  to add additional style to the left frame. The text you enter will be automatically put into a 'style="....."' tag property of the left frame.
#12 Left frame TOP style This style will override the one above, if entered, but will be used only for the top cell of the left frame. The text you enter will be put in the 'style="....."' tag property.
#13 System menu message BG color Enter a hex value color in the field in order to set the background of that part of the left frame, where the system menu stuff is displayed.
#14 No spacers/blank lines in the left frame? Click in the Checkbox to allow the left frame to adapt its size to the content (boxes and messages) alone.
#15 Hide the boxes/options area for guest users? Check the checkbox to hide the options area for guest users.
#16 Hide the boxes/options area on the startpage?  Click in the checkbox to hide the options area on the start page.

#17 Show the boxes/options area ONLY for members of group ID:

Enter in this field  the ID of the group which you want to be able to see the options area.
#18 Show the whole leftframe ONLY
for members of group ID:
You can hide the whole left frame by typing a group Id. This will be the only group which will be able to see the option area.
#19 Box custom layout:
opened box
You can set the style of the opened boxes in the left frame. For more information  visit [1257710.0 - Boxes custom layout.
#20 Box custom layout:
closed box
You can set the style of the closed boxes in the left frame. For more information  visit [1257710.0 - Boxes custom layout.
#20a Boxes inner width Type in the inner width in pixels of the boxes. In default designs, the inner width is equal to the left frame width (default 250) minus 15 pixels. Be aware to enter an appropriate value, so the permissions does not get cut in the Info box.

Click on "Save" to apply the changes.

AutorIn: factline Webservices GmbH; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Publiziert von: Ivo Marinov (factline3)
infoID: 1202950.10 (...historia); Publiziert am 21 Dec. 2010 10:49
Struktura  >  English  >  Manuals  >  p-admin manuals  >  interface & design  >  page layout config 
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