Sākums > Struktūra > English > special tags > normal parser > factinclude > factinclude




display="icon, title, link, text, other data, metainfo"


Write the fact components separated by a comma which you want to be displayed.

info3 - 125057.2

Attention: if you want this parameter to work correctly, you schould NOT use blank spaces between the quotational marks and the commas.


editinclude="1" or editinclude="0"


The included fact can(value 1) or cannot(value 0) be edited from the fact in which it is included.


nocomment="1" or nocomment="0"


When editinclude="1", you can specify if to display the comments(value 0) of the included fact or not(value 1).

info3 - 125057.2

Attention: if editinclude="0", nocomment will take no effect, no matter what value do you assign to it!


noviewfact="1" or noviewfact="0"


When editinclude="1", you can specify if there should be a View fact link(value 0) or not(value 1).


info3 -  125057.2

Attention: if editinclude="0", noviewfact will take no effect, no matter what value do you assign to it!


nobreak="1" or nobreak="0"


There is no (by using of value 1) or there is (by using of value 0) a blank line between the included fact and the rest of the fact (e.g. another included fact).




You can set the maximum length  of the included fact with cuttitle. In the example above if the title of the included fact is longer than 15 characters only the first 15 characters will be shown.


<factinclude latestchanges />


By default includes links to the 10 latest changed facts. 


latestchanges can take the following parameters:


  • view



    This parameter makes the latest changes list in a simple compact form as in the left frame.

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    Attention: If you use the view-parameter and the display on the same time, no all options of the display-parameter will take effect.

  • count



    Defines how many links should be displayed. In this case there will be shown 3 links.

    info3 - 125057.2

    Note: if you type a value 0 between the quotation marks the default value will be loaded.

  • cuttitleto



    You can set the maximum length  of the included fact with cuttitle. In the example above if the title of the included fact is longer than 15 characters only the first 15 characters will be shown.

  • titlestyle

    titlestyle="text-decoration: none;"


    Between the quotation marks you can use css codes to define the style of the titles. The style will be attached to the <a> link of the title link. This won't change the general view of the fact's title, this will add a style only to the title in the fact, where the folder or the fact is included.


    For example:

    "text-decoration: none;" can be replaced with "color:#cc0000; font-style:italic;" etc.

  • maincolumnwidth

    <factinclude latestchanges maincolumnwidth="200"/> 

    maincolumnwidth - width of the title column (default 135)

  • display


    Indicates what columns will be shown in the latestchanges section.

    info3 - 125057.2

    Attention: if you want this parameter to work correctly, you schould NOT use blank spaces between the quotational marks and the commas.

  • userid



    Displays the latest changed facts by the user with the id=80016.

  • forumid


    Displays the latest changes from the platform with ID 102 (default - current platform)

  • service


    Displays the latest changes filtered by the appropriate service name.


    For example:

    If you type service="news" you will see only the latest changes on this service.


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    Service names are: facts(text), image, downloads, link, news, events, dialog, weblogs

  • filterbyfolder


    With this parameter you can filter by a specific folder with infoID "452701.1".


    Please, note: Use only the id of a folder - only the first part of the ID, without dot and version.


  • filterbycurrentfolder



    Includes the links of latest changed facts from that folder, where you create the fact.


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    Attention: For Comments and for postings within Forum the latest latest changes are not displayed (for performance reasons).

  • displaymore



    You should either not set this parameter or use value 1. In the last case there will be shown the "more..." link at the bottom.

  • wholeserver



    If you set  value "1" for the parameter wholeserver, the latest changes from the platforms on the whole server will be displayed.


    info3 - 125057.2

    Attention: For Comments and for postings within Forum the latest latest changes are not displayed (for performance reasons).





Between the quotation marks you should put the id.v of the text fact that should be used as a template for displaying of each row.






Autors: Milena Staykova; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Publicēja: factline Webservices (factline5)
infoID: 1101254.6 (...Arhīvs); Publicēts 03 Mai. 2010 16:57
Struktūra  >  English  >  special tags  >  normal parser  >  factinclude