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Europass CV Settings

How to enable the Service function Europass CV on your platform:


|1| go to Padmin > Services


|2| to set the permissions for this Service click on the "perm." button next to "Europass CV"


|3| to modify the properties of the Service Europass CV click on the "modify" button:


europass_padmin.PNG - 1482457.1


                    |a| to set a new root folder, where the attachments and the images uploaded by the users will be stored, first create a folder on the platform and then paste the infoID of the folder in the field "Folder infoID for attachments/images":


                    |b| to set a new root folder, where the exported text facts from the CVs will be stored, first create a folder on the platform and then paste the infoID of the folder in the field "Folder infoID for exports":


Please, note: If you don't specify folders, where the files and the exports should be placed, all facts will be created only in the Service repositories - text, images, downloads.


|c| Choose which group will have read permissions for the exported text facts. 


europass_padmin_group.PNG - 1484462.1


Please, note: The chosen group above is added to the groups deligated with read permissions during the publishing process of the Europass CV.


|d|  click on "Save".


Autor: factline Webservices GmbH; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Publiziert von: Ivo Marinov (factline3)
factID: 1482471.10 (...Archiv); Publiziert am 06 Oct. 2010 15:29
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