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A membership of the HIGH POTENTIAL NETWORK is free of charge.

After applying successfully for membership, all members have total access to an international network via highly innovative tools on the organisation's website. Consequently, members can easily build up or expand existing networks in an international environment with people holding similar views.

As the different member groups follow the natural development of the member's professional careers, the HIGH POTENTIAL NETWORK serves as a life-long accompanying organisation, thus ever increasing the potential of the network itself.

Due to the different members within the HIGH POTENTIAL NETWORK, knowledge transfer creates additional value for all members, providing first-hand information and consulting.

Besides, members will have privileged access to internships and traineeships as companies and Leaders are also integrated in the network.

In addition, members have access to all offers of the HIGH POTENTIAL NETWORK, for instance participation in national and international projects or taking part in opinion polls to help create products meeting their own needs.A great benefit of being a member is also the possibility of attending top-calibre convents, events and congresses due to accreditations via the HIGH POTENTIAL NETWORK, like invitations to the "Annual IMF World Bank Meeting" in Dubai, UAE, to "com.sult 04" with keynote speaker Bill Gates or to the upcoming "World Summit on Media for Children and Adolescents" of the International Child Art Foundation in Brazil. The attendance of different workshops, seminars and similar events are mostly for free.